HeliQuake v0.1   by: Jared Davies     -[Contacts]- WWW: HTTP://home1.gte.net/rmdavies/ E-Mail: rmdavies@gte.net -[Specs]- Progs.dat:[ yes ] Source: [ no ] sounds: [ no ] Models: [ yes(sorta)] -[Modes]- Single play:[ sure ] DeathMatch: [ wouldn't have it any other way] -[Description]- HeliQuake is short for Helicopters for Quake... ingenius don't you think. Well so far it isn't much... i have the basic controls for the helicopter down and 3 weapons for you to use while your in the helicopter.. this is used best when you're using a mouse to control yourself with +mlook because where you look is where you go. You'll figure it out.. i hope.. the 3 weapons are: 1: Mini-Missiles -rapid fire, medium damage 2: Mini-Gun -Very rapid, small damage(adds up though) 3: Bombs -10 missils => 200pt radius damage i will soon be adding guided Pheonix Missles, Hellfire missiles, and Napalm. i also enjoy hearing wether you like the patch or what improvements it needs send that stuff to: rmdavies@gte.net -[Commands]- OK here goes=> IMPULSE 103 -Puts you in the Helicopter IMPULSE 100 -folled by another impulse to set Collect speed IMPULSE 106 -increase collect speed IMPULSE 107 -decrease collect speed IMPULSE 108 -toggles hover mode on & off IMPULSE 109 -sets sets velocity_z to zero so you stop rising/falling and level out IMPULSE 30 -chase cam toggle IMPULSE 31 -laser pointer toggle Well that was sure simple... i hope For IMPULSE 100 do this=> IMPULSE 100 -says to look for the next impulse to get collectspeed IMPULSE ## -if ##=50 then you would rise with velocity 50 -[Known Error's]- No known bugs !:-) woohoo!!! Well thats all for now.. its 3:15 AM even..